Mary Burko

Mary Burko

Content Writer, Researcher

After the triumph of OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google unveiled its AI chatbot, Bard, which is now accessible to a broad audience. Here's the essential scoop on this new release.

What is Google Bard?

Google Bard is an AI-powered chatbot tool designed by Google to simulate human conversations using natural language processing and machine learning. In addition to supplementing Google search, Bard can be integrated into websites, messaging platforms, or applications to provide realistic, natural language responses to user questions.

What Does Bard Do?

Google's Bard can provide context-appropriate answers on various subjects, including science, math, history, literature, and religion. One of Bard’s characteristics is its capacity to participate in multi-turn conversations with a human user while maintaining a constant conversational theme and persona. Due to this, Bard is especially beneficial for programs like chatbots and virtual helpers.

Bard’s capacity for producing creative writing also has the potential to be used to make website content or posts for social media, freeing up time for content producers to concentrate on other essential duties. Bard can produce output in various languages and writing styles, so we can use it as an instrument for language learners to practice writing in a particular language.

How does it work?

In December 2023, an update integrated the Gemini large language model into Google Bard. Along with predecessors like Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2) and Google's Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), Gemini relies on the Transformer architecture, which Google initially released as open source in 2017. This architecture has been the foundation for various generative AI tools, including GPT-3, used in ChatGPT.

Bard focuses on enhancing search capabilities by accommodating more natural language queries rather than strict keyword-based inputs. Its AI is trained to understand and respond to conversational queries in a more human-like manner. Unlike simply presenting answers, Bard adds contextual information to its responses and is equipped to assist with follow-up questions—a novel feature in search tools. Additionally, it offers functions like sharing conversations and verifying generated results to aid users in fact-checking.

Moreover, Bard can tap into several Google apps and services, such as YouTube, Maps, Hotels, Flights, Gmail, Docs, and Drive. This integration allows users to apply Bard's capabilities to their personal content and access information from these platforms.

Pros and Cons of Google Bard


  • Constant updates ensure Bard is up-to-date with the latest language model.
  • The text-to-speech feature allows for voice input, making it more accessible.
  • Bard is designed to provide accurate and informative information, making it reliable for various tasks.


  • Text generation may still lack context retention during extended conversations.
  • Some features of Bard may not be available in all countries, territories, or languages.

How to Use Google Bard?

A significant advantage of Google Bard is how easy it is to start using the chatbot. If you have a Google account (which we are almost sure you do), you can access Google Bard in a few clicks, free of charge.

Here are the steps on how to use Google Bard:

  1. Access Google Bard: go to and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Provide a prompt or question: write your question or prompt in the text box below. Be as specific and straightforward as possible.
  3. Submit the prompt or question: press Enter or click the "Submit" button. Bard will process your request and generate a response.
  4. Review Bard's response: Bard will display its response in the main chat window. You can read the response, provide feedback, or ask follow-up questions.
  5. Modify or export Bard's response (optional): if you want to modify Bard's reaction, you can use the editing tools provided. You can also export the response to a text file or share it directly with others.
  6. Continue the conversation (optional): you can continue with Bard by asking additional questions or providing feedback on its responses.

A speech-to-text feature allows you to speak into your phone's microphone to generate a prompt for Bard to respond to. In addition, you can upload images or audio files to help Bard understand what you're saying.

Using Google Bard Effectively

As with any AI chatbot, what you put in is what you get out. Language models work by recognizing specific patterns in the input given, meaning that formulating the correct input can yield the perfect response you are looking for. Below are some general guidelines on how to make the most out of Google Bard.

  1. Provide clear and concise prompts: The more specific and clear your prompts are, the better Bard will understand your requests and generate relevant responses. Avoid vague or ambiguous prompts that could lead to misinterpretations or inaccurate results.

  2. Organize complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps: For larger or more intricate tasks, divide them into smaller, more manageable steps. Ask Bard for assistance with each step to refine the process and achieve better outcomes.

  3. Utilize Bard for brainstorming and idea generation: When stuck on a problem or seeking fresh perspectives, engage Bard to generate ideas. Its ability to process vast amounts of information and synthesize different concepts can lead to novel insights and solutions.

  4. Provide feedback and refine responses: As Bard generates responses, provide feedback to indicate whether it meets your expectations. This feedback helps Bard learn and adapt to your preferences, leading to more tailored and satisfactory results.

  5. Fact-check and verify information: While Bard provides comprehensive and informative responses, it's crucial to independently verify and cross-check information, especially when dealing with sensitive or critical subjects.

How much does Bard cost?

Google Bard is free. All Google users can access it. This service likely continues to remain free like most of Google’s mass services. Plus, the language model trains on usage data. So, the more people that use Bard, the wiser the chatbot will become.

Final words

Google Bard is making waves in the world of AI. Backed by Google’s powerful advancements and discoveries in artificial intelligence, Bard acts as your AI assistant. The chatbot will answer questions and perform tasks by drawing on Google's real-time web information. Bard sometimes produces accurate information. As with any AI tool, you need to be aware of its limitations and stay tuned for new updates. Also, Bard is not the only chatbot making headlines. Google is competing with other intelligent chatbots in the market, like ChatGPT, Bing Chat, ChatSonic, YouChat, etc. The rise of AI dialogue applications like Google Bard marks an exciting new era in artificial intelligence. As a result of these powerful tools, we can interact with technology more naturally and intuitively. Nevertheless, building entirely trustworthy AI systems is a long way to go. We can expect Bard and other AI tools to gain greater adoption as technology advances.

Frequently asked questions

Currently, Google Bard is available in English, Japanese, and Korean. Google is actively working to teach Bard more languages.

Bard requires a Google Account or a Google Workspace account. Your Workspace administrator must allow you to access Bard. Bard is inaccessible to users under 18 with Google accounts controlled by Family Link or Google Workspace for Education. There is support for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Edge browsers.

Yes, Google Bard can assist with coding tasks.

While Google is committed to rolling out Bard responsibly, some features may not be available in all countries, territories, or languages.

Bard's ability to retain context is currently limited. However, its context retention during longer conversations will improve as it continues to learn.

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