Advantages of hiring WordPress developers at EcDev Studio

  • Integrity


    A single, integrated team manages every aspect – analysis, design, development, DevOps, QA, and project management. It eliminates conflicts between departments.

  • Right infrastructure

    Right infrastructure

    We have expertise in AWS cloud, which means you have access to the fastest type of web hosting from day one, including its capabilities such as autoscaling, advanced security, constant uptime and others.

  • Performance


    While WordPress performance is average at default configuration, EcDev Studio makes it blazing fast.

  • Purity


    Each WordPress site is called to attract and convert. Our design department with marketing experience often exceeds the related goals.

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Why WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) that allows constructing websites fast using multiple premade modules.



The open-source nature of WordPress gives it the typical advantages of open-source software, such as transparency and cost-efficiency.



In fact, with any popular CMS, it is possible to build SEO-friendly websites. With proven SEO plugins like Yoast SEO developers can automate the major part of internal SEO, as well as prevent them from making common SEO mistakes.



Due to a large number of reusable components available the overall development effort is reduced. For example, a web developer doesn't need to create from scratch such things as a blog, contact forms, inventory management, integrations with payment gateways, and so on. All the listed things can be configured pretty quickly using built-in features and appropriate plugins. Thanks to the powerful WordPress admin panel, site owners can easily modify the content from that, which also means developers don't have to write this functionality from scratch.


A lot of developers are available on the market

Among a large number of WordPress candidates available it is easier to find skilled engineers in time, which also means a lower risk for the business. We can't say the same about Drupal, Magento, or OpenCart.

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Something to notice

It's well known that WordPress also has some disadvantages like the slowness of default configuration, undigested DB structure, messy back-end, and others. Some of the disadvantages can be overcome using certain practices. In fact, the known disadvantages don't prevent our clients from successfully using the delivered websites for their businesses. In fact, the websites are fast, secure, and reliable, but clients saved plenty of money in the development phase thanks to WordPress.

Page builder vs custom markup

If the site owner needs the ability to customize the visual appearance of a page themselves, we use page builders.
If the priority is to avoid redundant auto-generated code and get the maximum page load speed we use custom clean markup, PHP templates, and ACF fields. In such an approach in WP-Admin site owners operate with data entries over the appearance, such as texts, images, videos, and unlimited repetitive entries of varying complexity. That data entries are then displayed on the website automatically in accordance with logic and styling from PHP templates. In its turn, the templates are coded according to the UI/UX mockups produced by the design team. This approach gives full freedom in terms of design, allows owners to easier operate with a large amount of content, results in a higher load speed, and is a preferred way for most cases.
Custom markup is a golden standard for EcDev Studio in WordPress development. Site owners finally get all the benefits listed above, but save time on development because of utilizing the capabilities of WordPress CMS such as a prepackaged admin panel, rich facilities for e-commerce, the ability to quickly integrate popular APIs, and many more.
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Classic WordPress vs Headless & Decoupled

Let's say you have a product website with about 20 static pages, a blog, and a contact form for your audience to get in touch with you. If the technical implementation and server-side caching are correct, your pages will load instantly in this case, and your visitors will navigate across the pages easily. This is the classic approach.
Now imagine that you run an e-commerce store with thousands of products, and during holidays like Black Friday, you have hundreds of simultaneous customers. The problem is that placing orders, processing orders, inventory management, and other things require numerous back-end operations and are a significant burden on the server's CPU and RAM resources. In an overloaded environment, the web server is unable to return even a cached version of the static page instantly, so visitors will experience a significant slowdown across the entire website.
The solution consists in moving the entire front-end to another server instance, making it headless (without any back-end logic), and interacting with the back-end via APIs. In this case, a front-end part returns cached static pages and can handle hundreds of simultaneous requests since it is not overloaded by any back-end logic. At EcDev Studio we additionally optimize the back-end layer by caching particular DB queries.
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Our work examples on WordPress

Picup Media

Development of a B2B e-commerce public website and a SaaS dashboard offering high-quality photo/video solutions for jewelry stores.

JewelryEcommerceSaaSPHPWordPressMySQLAWSUI/UX Design
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Development of a public website and a set of custom calculators for a financial company.

FinancePHPWordPressMySQLAWSUI/UX Design
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Development of a public website for an I2M management platform.

BenchmarkingPHPWordPressMySQLAWSUI/UX Design
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WordPress services our developers may provide

If you decided to hire WordPress developers you might be interested in an entire list of services WordPress developers provide.

  • WordPress Web Development
  • WordPress Theme Development
  • WordPress Plugin Development
  • WordPress Template Creation
  • WordPress Hosting Configuration
  • WordPress Speed Optimization
  • Headless WordPress
  • Migration to WordPress
  • WordPress Plugins & Components Development
  • WordPress E-commerce Development

A great resume does not always mean a great WordPress developer. We understand it well, and thus for your success and our reputation we pay thorough attention to our hiring process.

Among hundreds of WordPress engineers, we select those who are attentive to the details, true experts in WordPress, and capable to build high-end websites.

These four steps describe our entire process of vetting WordPress developers.

  • 01

    The resume review

    We check how responsible the candidate is when searching for a job (resume accuracy, informativeness of the details, overall openness, etc), and also technical skills with the experience.

  • 02

    Soft skills and language proficiency check

    During the first interview round, we check the WordPress developer candidate for culture fit, dependability, emotional intelligence, communication skills, problem-solving attitude, perseverance, leadership qualities, and English language.

  • 03

    Hard skills check

    This interview depends on the level of a candidate. However, regardless of the level, for all WordPress developers, we perform verifications like a deep understanding of WordPress behind the scenes, advanced PHP coding skills, experience with WP hooks, custom post types, etc. As part of the application process, we also perform a code review of the candidate's Github repository to verify code quality, following best practices and coding conventions.

  • 04

    The final reckoning

    Here, the WordPress developers go through a 2-month evaluation period in which they learn about work ethics and the company's rules and have a chance to prove themselves as credible team players. In the case of working with EcDev Studio, you will take advantage of working with a vetted expert, not a freelance WordPress developer.

Frequently asked questions

Since 2015, we've been collecting our own database of tech specialists in Ukraine, including WordPress programmers. In addition, we have direct access to an extended database of over 200,000 candidates looking for IT jobs, about 4% of them are WordPress developers. Our recruiters are constantly monitoring new WordPress developers and attracting the most suitable ones to join our team. When we hire WordPress developers we perform a vetting process described above.

Yes. At least 80 hours is the minimum requirement to get started with developing your WordPress website. If you need to hire a team of WordPress developers, UI/UX designers, and others then the minimum number of hours is 40 for each expert.

Definitely. We will first expect from you some detailed project specifications and then will jump onto the analysis phase to give you an estimate of how many hours the project will take.

For WordPress projects, we use HTML5, CSS/SASS, JS (ES6+), PHP (PSR2 coding standard), BEM methodology, and AWS cloud. For some of WordPress, we use the cloud database Amazon RDS.

To hire WordPress engineers, follow these steps:

  1. Tell us what your goals are. We'll schedule a call and discuss your needs.
  2. We find the best talent for you among our vetted developers in a team.
  3. Arrange an interview between you and our WordPress developer, where you ensure the developer meets your criteria.
  4. Your trial will begin now, where our WordPress developer is going to demonstrate their high qualification and capability to deliver complex tasks.

Many of our clients follow these steps including the Trial in order to hire WordPress developers. We usually establish trust with new clients and cooperate with them for the long term. During the hiring process, we also perform the discovery phase (either free or paid, depending on scope) in order to make a precise estimation, define priorities, and better understand the project goals.